
Dialogue and participation

Following international standards* in sustainability issues, we at Conexión are conducting an early dialogue with local and regional authorities and communities. This has allowed us to get to know the territory directly from the accounts of those living in it, and then turn this testimony into an important asset for the design and execution of the environmental studies associated with the Kimal-Lo Aguirre project. In so doing, we intend to embed harmoniously among the local environment, communities, and biodiversity, contributing with an innovative model for the country’s sustainable development.

This model considers a design that goes beyond current Chilean regulations, because we believe that innovation has to be technological but also managerial, amidst the intense agenda of changes currently facing humanity which also includes our society. Our adherence to global treaties and conventions responds to this will, for which today the entire Conexión Kimal-Lo Aguirre team feels great pride.

*(Equator Principles, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization (ILO), and those of the Environmental Study Service).

Methodological tools

Citizen Participation Guidelines and Standards

Environmental Impact Assessment System (SEIA in Spanish).

Guidelines to define Area of Influence

Escazú Agreement

Equator Principles

Territorial contacts

Isabel Candia
Head of Citizen Participation

Joaquín Jiménez
Región Metropolitana

Juan José
Región de Valparaíso

Pilar Gaviño
Región de Coquimbo

Randolph Henríquez
R. de Antofagasta y Atacama

Know our
