Current stage

What stage are we in?

We currently are in the stage of Advanced Citizen Participation, PACA in Spanish.

From June 2022

The project is in the development and design phase (which includes studies and Advanced Community Engagement to verify technical, social, and environmental feasibility) to meet all the benchmarks necessary to submit the Environmental Impact Study.

We have deployed a technical, environmental, and social team (both our own and consultants’) to survey the territories and environmental components to prepare the Environmental Baseline and Social Relationship. This allows us to get to know the communities and provide them with early information, always putting people at the center with total transparency, and with the legitimacy society demands in a key project in the sustainability of our country.

We are currently in the Advanced Citizen Participation (PACA) stage, which considers all the communities in the project’s Area of Influence. This open and voluntary dialogue process is an opportunity to provide information and gather perceptions, doubts, and observations from the communities.

Our work is based on national and international sustainability standards for indigenous and non-indigenous communities.

What is a PACA?

  • A voluntary process carried out before the project submission to the Environmental Impact Assessment System.
  • It seeks to identify observations from the communities to incorporate them into the Environmental Impact Study.

What is it for?

  • To publicize and describe the project.
  • To inform how the Environmental Impact Study is being carried out and thus gather the community’s perceptions and/or doubts.
  • To comply with the Escazú Agreement to ensure access to information for all communities.
  • Comply with Convention 169 to provide early information to Indigenous Communities

What does it allow?

  • To know in advance the territory and the people who live in it.
  • Identify improvements to the project and recognize possible impacts that were not found during the environmental survey.