From May 2022 to October 2023 we were in the development and design phase of the project, (which encompassed studies and Advanced Community Relations to verify technical, social and environmental feasibility) and thus met all the necessary milestones to enter the Impact Study Environmental.

During this period we deployed a technical, environmental and social team (both our own and consultants) in order to survey the territories and environmental components to prepare the Environmental Baseline and Social Relationship. The above allowed us to get to know the communities and provide them with early information, always putting people at the center with total transparency, and with the legitimacy that society demands for a key project in sustainability in our country.

During this time, an Advanced Citizen Participation (PACA) was activated, which considered all the communities in the project’s Area of ​​Influence, generating an opportunity to provide information and collect perceptions, doubts and observations from the communities.

Our work is always based on national and international sustainability standards for indigenous and non-indigenous communities.

What is a PACA?

  • A voluntary process that is carried out prior to the entry of the project into the Environmental Impact Assessment System.
  • It seeks to identify observations from the communities to incorporate them into the Environmental Impact Study.

What is it for?

  • Make known and describe the project.
  • Inform how the Environmental Impact Study is being carried out and thus collect the community’s perceptions and/or doubts.
    – Comply with the Escazú Agreement to ensure access to information for all communities.
    – Comply with Convention 169 to provide early information to Indigenous Communities.

Which enables?

  • Know in advance the territory and the people who inhabit it.
  • Identify improvements to the project and recognize possible effects that were not found in the environmental survey.

Participación Ciudadana Anticipada (PACA)

Si quieres revisar las actividades realizadas durante la etapa de Participación Ciudadana Anticipada en su comuna haga clic en el mapa.

Communication channels
during the PACA

Information meetings

They allow reporting on the project and the progress of the Environmental Impact Study, in addition to delivering content on the progress in the preparation of the EIA, description of the project, among other topics, as well as collecting the visions and observations of the communities to incorporate them into the project.

Work tables

They are instances to work and discuss specific topics of the project, they address topics that are of relevance and concern to the community, with the aim of identifying their concerns and giving them a timely response.


Their objective is to create, together with the community, commitments consistent with the vision of community development and of the human groups with which we are working. They also serve to account for their concerns in relation to the project.


Buscan transmitir e informar a todos los miembros de la comunidad acerca de lo que se realiza en las mesas de trabajo y los acuerdos que en ellas se toman, de tal manera que la información llegue en tiempo y en forma oportuna.

Sistema de comunicaciones online

We have communication channels so that communities can send us their requirements, both questions and doubts, claims and complaints. These requirements are entered into a communications system (Citizen Connection), which allows us to establish an effective system for their management, along with responding to each person in the committed times, ensuring the quality of the information. The system allows obtaining valuable information in relation to the most sensitive content for the communities, compliance with deadlines, among others.