
At Conexión Kimal-Lo Aguirre we understand communication not only as a vehicle to inform what we do. Listening to others is as important to us as telling our stories. We want effective bidirectionality in each of the platforms where we share with people, because knowing their concerns in a timely manner allows us to reach all people with assertive communication.

It is part of our commitment

And since trust is an essential element in any relationship, we will operate with absolute transparency in our activities, sharing records and relevant information that helps every step we take go hand in hand with the communities.

At Conexión Kimal-Lo Aguirre we have a process for systematizing claims, complaints, questions, requests for suppliers, among others, so that your queries are answered. We hear you.

All are entered into a communications system that allows us to effectively manage the requirements, along with responding within the committed times, ensuring the quality of the information.

Meetings with authorities

Todas las reuniones que hemos tenido desde Conexión, tanto con autoridades a nivel nacional, regional y local, han sido solicitadas a través de Ley de Lobby (creada para fortalecer la transparencia y probidad en las relaciones con todos los órganos del Estado), permitiendo la total transparencia de nuestro quehacer.

Para pedir más información entrar al siguiente enlace.